Mountain Creek Uphill Travel Policies
- Uphill travel is only permitted for Season Passholders only
- Uphill travel is allowed on Vernon Peak only during the following times:
Monday – Friday between sunrise and 9am
Sat/Sunday between sunrise and 8am
- Skis or Snowboards with Skins, or Snowshoes must be worn when traveling uphill, and appropriate downhill equipment must be used descending the mountain
- Uphill travelers must have their pass on their person at all times
- Rescue personnel are not on duty during uphill travel, and guests should be aware that machinery including groomers, snowmobiles and other machinery can and will be accessing the hill during this time
- Mandatory uphill route (unless otherwise posted/noted on the Snow Report):
Cab Ride, Lower Horizon, Upper Horizon – Please stay to the hiker’s right side of trails while climbing.
- Downhill traffic prior to resort opening must follow the same route downhill
**Uphill Policy is subject to change at anytime without notice